Falls prevention
Am I at higher risk of falling?
A fall is defined as an incident which results in a person coming to rest accidentally on the ground or floor or other lower level. Whilst anyone can fall there are certain factors that can make you be at higher risk of falling. These include:
- age, the older we get the higher the risk
- balance issues and poor mobility
- visual impairment
- sedentary lifestyle
- cognitive impairment
- fear of falling (especially if you already had a fall)
- certain underlying medical conditions like Parkinson's disease, diabetes, postural hypotension, traumatic brain injury, urinary incontinence, cardiovascular disease, etc
- certain medication or combination of medication you are on

What is Falls prevention and how can it benefit me?
As we get older our body naturally stops performing as well as when we were younger. Muscles get weaker, our bones get more brittle, our balance and coordination might deteriorate. And whilst this is a natural way we all go, there is a lot you can do to slow the process down and even help to improve it with the correct advise and a bit of exercise.
Fall prevention includes any action taken to help reduce the number of accidental falls suffered by susceptible individuals, such as the elderly and people with neurological or orthopaedic indications.
What to expect from Falls Prevention appointment in Perfect Therapy?
Our Physiotherapist Sona S Dowds has many years of experience in working with elderly and implementing falls prevention in hospital and care home settings. On your first visit we will:
- take your details, go over your previous medical history, any medication you are on, your detailed falls history, your social history and fill out a falls risk assessment form
- do a physical examination - assessing your strength, balance, gait, coordination, feet and footwear
- depending on the findings we will discuss goals and make a treatment plan, this might include further investigations after consultation with your GP or consultant
- give you an easy and safe exercise program to follow at home and lots of practical advise on how you can avoid falling in YOUR own environment
- advise you on use of most suitable walking aid if deemed necessary
A home visit can be organised as well if it is more convenient.